If you are an Australian taxpayer, you can make a tax-deductible donation to ANZAB's Public Fund by completing the Public Fund Donation Form and following the instructions on the Donation Form to transfer the money to ANZAB. When your donation received the Treasurer will issue a formal receipt, to assist you with the preparation of your taxation return.
The Public Fund Donation Form has an option for you to express a preference about how your donation is to be used.
Donations to the Public Fund can only be accepted from Australian tax-payers. Grants made from this fund will be for ANZAB approved Australian projects. It would be unusual for an expressed preference not to be followed, but if for example the preference is for a project that is later cancelled, the donation will be applied elsewhere.
Please contact the or the for additional assistance.
General donations may be made by completing the General Donation Form and following the instructions on the Donation Form to transfer the money to ANZAB.
Donations to the General Fund are appropriate if you are not an Australian tax-payer, or if you do not wish to reclaim the tax, or if you wish your donation to be used outside Australia.
The General Fund Donation Form has an option for you to express a preference about how your donation is to be used. A donation made in this way can be used for any projects or events that further ANZAB's objectives.
Please contact the or the for additional assistance.
Bequests intended for ANZAB should be directed to The Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers Limited (ABN 94 939 034 781). By further specifying that a bequest go to the General Donation Fund, the testator can ensure that the bequest will be put towards projects or events that further ANZAB's objectives, rather than on management expenses. A testator may also wish to indicate how they would prefer the bequest to be used, such as the training and recruiting of bellringers, or towards new bell towers.
Please contact the for more information about making a bequest to ANZAB.
Information about having a project approved, and requesting funding from ANZAB is available here.