First posted: 14 April 2020
Doug Nichols sent the following contribution to our series, Out-of-tower Activities.
When not ringing, I ring!
Not only did I make my own dumbbell, but the simulator software, Virtual Belfry as well. Originally intended as a convenient way to test new releases of the software, my dumbbell comes in handy for occasional recreational use, especially during pandemics...
latest first
Becoming a member of ANZAB - 3 February
Bells for St Canice, Katoomba - 18 January
Sharing Tower Publicity Resources - 2 January
Armidale 28th Anniversary Weekend - 4 December
Training in Bathurst, Lithgow, Katoomba and Sydney - 29 November
St James' Brighton Update - 23 November
Publications and Merchandise Page Updated - 21 November
ASCY Master's Challenge and Dinner Invitation - 14 November
Online Lectures - 5 November
Wellington Ringing Festival - 29 October
Sydney Ringing School - A Participant's Perspective - 26 October
Sydney 12-Bell Weekend - 20 October
Hoskins Day Ringing 2024 - 17 October
Goulburn Extension - 11 October
Sydney Ringing School Interim Report - 7 October
Useful Publicity Resources - 26 September
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers AGM - 17 September
Brisbane to Sydney Delight Singles - 6 August
New Bells Arrive in Christchurch - 2 August
ANZAB Peal of Kent Treble Bob 16 - 20 July
Intermediate Ringing Weekend in Maryborough - 12 July
Update to the Constitution - 5 July
Bells to arrive in Christchurch - 26 June
Peals at Manuka and Goulburn, 15-16 June - 24 June
ART Course, Sydney, 4 May 2024 - 6 June
NZ Training Weekend - 15 May
Feedback helps everyone - 9 May
Advanced Ringing Weekend in Sydney - 30 April
Gender-based statistics update - 22 April
Training Quarter Peals - 16 April
Stedman Peal - The whole thing was risky! - 11 April
First open peal at St Patrick's Melbourne - 11 April
Macarthur Region Tour - 9 April
12-bell Weekend, Hobart - 6 April
Surprise Major Weekend in Adelaide - 29 March
Advanced Ringing Weekend in Victoria - 25 March
Ringing School (Intermediate) Bundaberg - 22 March
Advanced Ringing Weekend in Perth - 4 February
Fun with Bells podcast - 27 January
Lismore's staged return to ringing - 9 January
Brisbane Advanced Ringing Weekend - 16 December
Palmerston, NT, Inaugural Ring - 14 December
Peal for the 50th Anniversary of the First Ladies Peal on Tower Bells in Australia - 12 December
Wahroonga - Inaugural Ring - 11 December
The First Ladies Peal on Tower Bells in Australia (50th anniversary) - 1 December
Frame installed at Wahroonga - 21 November
Armidale 27th Anniversary Weekend - 14 November
Wellington Ringing Festival Report - 25 October
Sydney Ringing School Report - 24 October
12 Bell Weekend Report - 11 October
Tassie Ringers on Tour - 29 September
St Boniface Bunbury - a ring that nearly was ... - 26 September
Repair Work at Lismore - 18 September
ex-Burnley Bells to ring out in Wahroonga - 12 September
Palmerston Bells Arrive in Darwin - 4 August
Bring Them Here Vigil (Ballarat) - 23 July
Two Island Cluster meeting - 23 July
Handbell Peal in New Zealand - 23 July
Women's Ringing Weekend - 16 July
Women in Peals - 11 July
Tower Directory Upgrade - 5 July
Congratulating Helen Pettet - 30 June
Pam Brock OAM - 12 June
Naremburn 10th anniversary - 30 May
Training in Darwin - 12 May
Ringing for the Coronation of HM King Charles III - 7 May
ANZAC Day Ringing 2023 - 27 April
Wellington 12 Bell Weekend Report - 19 April
Christchurch Cathedral Update - 18 April
Bell Ringing Health and Saftey Project - 30 March
Women in Ringing - 22 March
Surprise Major Weekend in Adelaide - 15 March
Surprise Major Weekend in Victoria - 2 February
Update of ANZAB statistics classifed by gender - 19 January
Armidale Anniversary Weekend 2022 - 2 November
Sydney Ringing School Report - 11 October
12 Bell Weekend Report - 11 October
Information for Steeple Keepers - 28 September
WA Branch Practice - 28 August
ANZAB Abroad - 16 August
Ringing for Funerals - 13 August
Bells Hung in Darwin - 4 August
Adelaide Anniversary Weekend - 4 July
Central Council Trustee Nominations - 6 June
Ringing for the public - 31 May
Launch of Sonneur - 7 May
Ringing Featured on Channel Seven - 7 May
Caters Practice at CCSL - 1 May
Confessions of a sexist ringing master - 25 April
90th Birthday Celebrations - 15 April
ANZAB 12 Bell Weekend, Brisbane - report - 22 March
ART Ringing Course Report - 13 February
St Paul's Geelong Fundraising Appeal - 5 February
New Tower for NZ - 15 January
News from Rosemeadow - 31 December
The Alphabet Ring now in Bridgetown - 27 December
Belfry Access (Geelong) - 13 December
ART Ringing Course Report - 1 December
Fred E Dukes International Bell Fund - 21 November
Commissioning of Goulburn Ringers - 17 November
AUS/NZ Instagram Account - 14 November
Ballarat Town Hall - Installation of Mayor - 1 November
Cautious re-opening - 20 October
WA Branch Practice - 1 October
Handbell Peal in Wellington - 27 September
Bells for Darwin - 13 September
Ron's Workshop - 28 August
ANZAB Festival Quarter Peals - 14 June
Refurbishment before ANZAB 2021 - 26 May
ART Course at Randwick - 26 May
Richard Fidler interviews Paul Livingstone - 21 May
Goulburn-Canberra-Yass Tour - 16 May
ANZAC Weekend Ringing in Queensland - 8 May
Easter Ringing in Goulburn - 15 April
Ringing for the Duke of Edinburgh - 13 April
Locally hosted on-line servers - 15 March
Women in Ringing - new web page - 11 March
ART Award to Laura Goodin of Melbourne - 8 March
Women in Ringing Celebrations - 28 February
Women in Ringing Celebrations - 15 February
Bells for Eastwood, NSW - 23 January
Women in Ringing - 16 January
First Ringing at St Patrick's, Parramatta - 24 December
Perth Bell Tower 20th Anniversary Celebrations and Laura Ivey's Retirement - 21 December
Hamilton Celebrates 70 years of Change Ringing - 15 December
Tower Ringing Restarting in Melbourne - 9 December
New Old Chiming Bell at Orange - 16 November
Handbell Motion Controllers - 8 November
Wellington Ringing Festival 2020 - 3 November
Parramatta Bell Frame Arrives - 3 November
Walkerville Rehanging Update - 3 October
Cockatoo Shield returns to Orange - 23 September
Walkerville Rehanging Update - 23 September
Blessing of Bells (Parramatta) - 9 September
Darwin Tower Project On Hold - 3 September
Earthquake Strengthening - 2 August
Stedman Cinques Handbell Peal - 29 July
RSL Request - 19 July
Ellacombe Chimes Bicentenary - 12 July
Richmond NSW - 9 July
Tidying up at Randwick - 29 June
St James' Brighton - May 2020 Update - 27 May
COVID-19 Update - 11 May
Tower Photos - Challenge - 7 May
Roofing Work Underway in Orange - 28 April
Armidale Commemorates ANZAC Day 2020 - 26 April
St Jude's Randwick - Tolling the Tenor on ANZAC Day - 25 April
Out-of-tower Activities - Part 2 - 14 April
Out-of-tower Activities - 2 April
Ringing in Australia and New Zealand - a Message from the ANZAB President - 23 March
ANZAB Festival Update and Contingency Plans - 21 March
Young Wellington Ringer Wins ART Award - 15 March
Festival of Bells Postponed - 13 March
Manuka Ringing Weekend - 11 March
Vale! George Pipe - 5 March
Wringing Out (Burwood) - 13 February
Bendigo Update, January 2020 - 26 January
Ballarat, Australia Day 2020 - 26 January
Australia Fires - 18 January
Canberra Summer Ringing, January 2020 - 8 January
Vale, Hilary Davies - 7 January
New Year's Eve - St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney - 7 January
New Year's Eve - Claremont - 2 January
Festival of Bells, Melbourne, March 2020 - 31 December
Lithgow ART Modules, November 2019 - 9 December
Wellington Ringing Festival 2019 - 28 November
Armidale 23rd Anniversary Weekend - 21 November
Sydney Ringing School, October 2019 - 18 November
Ringing World Print Subscriptions - 13 November
ANZAB Safeguarding Guidelines - 5 November
ANZAB 12 Bell Weekend, Perth - report - 4 November
Stephen Young - 1 October
Walkerville Rehanging Project Begins - 1 October
St James' Queen's Square Bicentennial Weekend - 29 September
Auckland Heritage Festival Bellringing Open Days, 12-13 October 2019 - 19 September
Alphabet Ring on the Move Again - 2 September
Ringing Suspended at Orange due to Roofing Problems - 30 August
Parramatta Cathedral Bells Arrive - 31 July
New ART Tutor - Kathi Downs - 5 July
First Ringing of the Bells at Christ Church, Bundaberg - 30 June
CCCBR Framework for Method Ringing - 9 June 2019
Christopher O'Mahony to Return to Australia - 7 June 2019
Bundaberg's 5th - a Fine Adjustment - 23 May 2019
Grandsire Caters rung by a Ladies Band in Sydney - 23 April 2019
Fun with Bells - a podcast series - 15 March 2019
Who Let the Dogs In at Manuka? - 12 February 2019
John Maloney receives Lismore Australia Day award - 30 January 2019
Storm Damage Causes Suspension of Ringing at Lismore - 27 January 2019
Ronald Edward Shepherd OAM - 26 January 2019
Another Letter of Appreciation for Armistice Centenary Ringing - 22 December 2018
Letter of Appreciation for Armistice Centenary Ringing - 3 December 2018
First Ringing at Ingleburn - 21 November 2018
ANZAC Bell installed at The Bell Tower, Perth - 3 November 2018
First Handling Lessons at Ingleburn - 1 November 2018
Bundaberg Bells have arrived - 23 October 2018
Remembrance Day Ringing - Sunday, 11 November 2018 - 10 October 2018
NEANZAB Ringing School - September-October 2018 - 3 October 2018
Ron Shepherd Meets His Tribute Bell - 22 August 2018
Have Mini Ring, Will Travel - The Little Toze Mini Ring - 22 August 2018
An Interesting Sighting - Bells for Parramatta and Bundaberg - 10 August 2018
Bells for Parramatta - 3 August 2018
Bells for Bundaberg - 3 August 2018
Ingleburn's Bells Have Arrived - 23 July 2018
Central Council Meeting, May 2018 - 29 May 2018
Ringing Remembers - 26 March 2018
NEANZAB 8 Bell Striking Competition Results - 13 March 2018
Central Council Annual Meeting 2018 - 5 March 2018
How good is your tower photo? - 9 February 2018
Peal for England! Church bells to be protected in planning rules from noise complaints - 21 January 2018
Learn to Ring - January 2018
Ringing for Peace - Armistice 100 - 15 November 2017
Sydney Ringing School - 4 October 2017
Call for volunteers for CCCBR reform workgroups - 15 September 2017
Christchurch Cathedral to be Rebuilt - 11 September 2017
An Update from Ypres - 8 September 2017
Bells for Rosemeadow and Ingleburn - 1 September 2017
ANZAB appointments to CCCBR reform teams - 25 August 2017
Bells for St George's, Ypres, Belgium - 19 August 2017
Bexley Bells - 16 August 2017
UK Heritage Open Days, September 2017 - 16 August 2017
Rope repairs at St James' Queens Square - February 2017
Rosemeadow, New South Wales - 7 October 2016
Green Point, Gosford, New South Wales - 7 October 2016
Australian and New Zealand Association of Bellringers Limited ACN 656 214 489 ABN 94 939 034 781 NZBN 9429052491085
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